Messe Kazan-Kazanskaja Jarmarka

Anfang des Jahres 2007 erhielt die Aktiengesellschaft „Kazaskaya Yarmarka“ das Erkennungszeichen ISO 9001-2000 und setzte damit einen Meilenstein in ihrer mehrjährigen erfolgreichen Geschichte.

Die Bedeutung der Messe geht weit über die Grenzen der Republik Tatarstan hinaus. Jährlich stattfindende 40 Veranstaltungen umfassen praktisch alle Wirtschaftsbereiche, ziehen etwa 5000 Unternehmen aus Russland, sowie aus 45 anderen Ländern an und demonstrieren das sozialwirtschaftliche Potenzial der Region.

Dabei beträgt die Zahl der Besucher über eine halbe Million Menschen. 
Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Webseite der "Kazanskaya Yarmarka"


Aktuele Events in Kazan

  VolgaStroyExpo International Specialized Exhibition. Building and reconstruction technologies. Roofing and Facades. Construction machinery, equipment, mechanisms. Tools. Facing and finishing materials. Engineering network. Windows and doors. Sanitary engineering. Electrical engineering. Landscaping. Pools.    
    Intermebel International Furniture Exhibition. Furniture for residential and public premises. Equipment for furniture production, furniture fabric, accessories, components. Design. Salon "Special Furniture": furniture fot cinemas, sport complexes, educational and patient care institutions.    

Mechanical Engineering. Metalworking. Kazan International Specialized Exhibition. Technologies, equipment, instruments, materials for mechanical engineering and metalworking industries. Metal production. Service, repair, diagnostics and modernization of equipment.


Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry International Specialized Exhibition. Plants and equipment for development of oil and gas deposits. Geology and geophysics. Pipelines. Construction and equipment of objects for oil, petrochemical and gas industry. Production and realization of oil products, rubbers, mechanical rubber items, tires, plastics.


Specialized Exhibition Plastic & Rubber Kazan, Russia


International Exhibition. Medical equipment. Intensive therapy and reanimation. Lab technique and equipment. Pharmacology. Stomatology. Cosmetology. Disinfection, Disinsection, Disinfestation



Agrocomplex: Interagro.Animed. Farmer of the Volga Region
International Specialized Exhibition. Agricultural machinery and component parts. Equipment for producing and processing branches of agroindustrial complex. Small-scale machines. Cattle-raising. Plant growing. Agrologistics. Foodstuffs' safety. Veterinary. Everything for horse breeding and equestrian sport. 3rd Volga Agroindustrial Forum


Energy. Resource-Saving
International Specialized Exhibition. Energy equipment and technologies. Hydro-, heat-,electric energy. Nonconventional power sources and small power. Resource-saving and power effective technologies and equipment. The International Resources' efficiency. Energy Saving Symposium.